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Sound brighter, wider & louder
Express Mastering : Digital
Best choice if you have your track finished and want to polish the sound of you track. In this service, we deliver 1 day after you done the payment and after you send us the WAV file.
$20 USD / to WAV mixdown
- Master 1 WAV file
- Includes Mastering
- Revision at 1 day
- 1 Revision
Mind trip Mastering : Digital
If you think your kick, bass or any other stem in your track can sound and fit better in the whole mix, but you have the rest of the tracks working. Just separate your track in 4 stems an we do the work for you.
$39 USD / to WAV mixdown
- Up to 4 stems
- Includes Mixing & Mastering
- Revision After 3 days
- 1 Revision
Mind blowing Mastering : Digital
Top choice if you want your track receive a treatment like we are producing it, to reach the sound quality your track deserves, coulding be more detailed by the 10 stems we can work to it.
$69 USD / to WAV mixdown
- Up to 10 stems
- Includes Mixing & Mastering
- First revision After 5 days
- 2 Revisions
Ask to us for our special price in Analog Mastering.

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